Friday, September 28, 2012

Pink Peonies Giveaway!!!

Rachel over at Pink Peonies is giving away this beautiful Stella and Dot Bracelet, Go check it out!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wow! I cant even believe how long it has been since I have posted on this blog, kinda embarrassing but we have just been havin fun these past couple of months first of all with the new City Creek opening. I went down with my mom and her best friend Penny. We left all the men at home and made it a girls night. I absolutely love shopping with these two! I couldn't even believe we were in Salt Lake City, such a beautiful place and everywhere you go, you can see the beautiful Salt Lake Temple.

A couple of weeks ago, my older sister Gentri came to town for a girls week with no kids and no hubby and we had such a blast. Went to the Original Pancake House and ate the most amazing pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes, went to Zumba, of course Cafe Rio and she even got to come down to Spanish Fork and see my house! We also decided to head to St George and Vegas for a girls trip with my grandma!!! We shopped till we dropped, took her to our favorite Restaurant Brio and went to a fun show, we had so much fun and cant wait until she can visit again!!! Also, one of my friends Katie Sadler got married and all us married girls got to go with our husbands, it was a really great ceremony. Afterwards, we headed to Market Street Grill and ate ourselves sick. The boys were loving their crab legs. It was so good to be with all of my best friends who I have grown up with!! Such fun memories with these girls!!!

I am going to try my hardest to do better with this whole blogging thing! Austin is doing great, he is about done with school and gets to start an amazing internship with Congressman Chaffetz, he can hardly wait! Football is going great for Austin as well,he is still working so hard to get back with having surgery on his knee, I know how bad he misses playing football!! Football season couldn't come any sooner!!! Well I promise I am going to be posting again because I have some delicious recipes to post about:-)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekend Fun!!!

This weekend we had a blast. It started Friday heading up to Sun Dance, no we weren't looking for movie stars but Austin and one of his best friends on the team Justin Sorensen had the opportunity to speak at my parent's Youth Conference. It was so fun to hear them speak to the youth about all the awesome experiences they have had. Afterwards, we headed to this hole in the wall place in Provo called Sammy's. My parents had never been before, I knew my dad was going to love this place cause he LOVES sweets. It's famous for the Cupcake Shakes and Pie Shakes. If you have never been you have to go, you will thank me! Saturday was pretty crappy weather so we headed to a movie, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.......WEIRD I don't know how else to describe this movie! Afterwards we headed to Wing Nuts with my parents and the Mcgriffs! It was a very fun weekend, so so glad I have my weekends back with Austin, I have definitely been missing them!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Magic Kingdom!!

Magic kingdom was a very fun day, it started out cloudy and eventually warmed up for us which was great. When we were waiting for our bus to come pick us up, it so SO cold...who would have thought you could be freezing in Florida?? Anyways our favorite ride, Space Mountain was closed so that was a bummer but we were able to still go on our favorites like Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain and Tea Cups (my mom about puked) The only thing I really missed were the amazing corn dogs and Indiana Jones but we still made it a blast!!! It was kinda depressing tho, they still had all their Christmas decorations up and Christmas music playing throughout the whole park but It was such a fun trip with lots of memories made, I think our little pup missed us!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Islands of Adventure/Harry Potter World

Our trip to Florida was amazing, we had two days at Harry Potter World and Islands of Adventure and it was worth it! My sister Abbi and I literally shed a tear when we got into Harry Potter World, pathetic I know! It was exactly how I imagined it to be and it was even better sharing it with Austin and my family. My most favorite thing about the park? the Butter Beer was heavenly, Honey Dukes (candy shop) and the rides. The park was so detailed with so many things from the book, I was amazed. Anyways here are a ton of pics but they don't even describe how much fun we had!

Tomorrow I will be posting about our adventure at Magic Kingdom!!